Owner and operator company name: Normawood Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider)
Registered office of the Service Provider: 1121 Budapest, Kopp Mária sétány 8
Company registry court: Company Registry Court of Budapest-Capital Regional Court
Company registration number: 01- 09-880180
Tax no.: 10437340-2-43
EU VAT ID: HU10437340
For contract related information, the Service Provider can be contacted at: Mailing address: 1121 Budapest, Kopp Mária sétány 8
Phone number: +36 30 908 0601
Website: www.normafahotel.hu
E-mail address: sales@normafahotel.hu
2.1 The present General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) regulate the use of the Service Provider’s accommodations and the services provided in connection therewith.
2.2 In the event of the use of services not covered by these GTC or of services other than those covered by these GTC, or in the event of the application of different contractual terms, the parties may also conclude an individual contract, with the proviso that the provisions of these GTC shall prevail in the event of any matters not covered by the individual contract, but that in the event of any conflict between the individual contract and these GTC, the individual contract shall prevail.
2.3 The present version of the GTC shall be in force on the date of the conclusion of the contract as defined in Clause 4 for the contracting parties as defined in Clause 3.
2.4 The Service Provider shall be entitled to unilaterally amend these GTC at any time, but shall notify the contracting parties referred to in Clause 3 with an existing contract in writing at least 15 (fifteen) calendar days before the amendment is due to enter into force, by sending the amended GTC or, at its option, by sending a notice that the amended GTC is available for inspection on the Hotel’s website. Unless the party contracting with the Service Provider has indicated its disagreement or objection within 15 (fifteen) calendar days of the notification, it shall be deemed to have accepted the provisions of the amended GTC. If the party contracting with the Service Provider disagrees with or objects to the amendments in writing, the Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate the contract concluded with immediate effect within 5 (five) working days of receipt of the disagreement or objection. If the Service Provider does not exercise its right of termination within 5 (five) working days of receipt of the objection, the contract shall be governed by the content of the GTC prior to the amendment.
3.1 The services provided by the Service Provider are used by the Guest (hereinafter referred to as the Guest).
3.2 If the order for the services is placed directly by the Guest to the Service Provider, the Guest shall be deemed to be the contracting party. The Service Provider and the Guest shall be deemed to be jointly contracting parties (hereinafter referred to as Parties) if the conditions set out in these GTC are fulfilled.
3.3 If the order for the Services is placed with the Service Provider by a third party (hereinafter referred to as Intermediary) on behalf of the Guest, the terms of cooperation shall be governed by the contract concluded between the Service Provider and the Intermediary. In such a case, the Service Provider shall not be obliged to verify whether the Intermediary legally represents the Guest.
3.4 If a natural person, legal entity or an organization without legal personality (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer) places an order
– for the organization of an event or conference, or
– in combination with it, or only for accommodation services for at least ten persons
(hereinafter referred to as Group Event), the Organizer shall be deemed to be the party contracting with the Service Provider.
4.1.1 The party contracting with the Service Provider may submit its request for an offer or booking directly to the e-mail addresses reservations@normafahotel.hu or sales@normafahotel.hu published on the Service Provider’s website.
4.1.2 The Service Provider shall send a written (e-mail) offer in response to the request for an offer sent by e- mail.
4.1.3 The contractual relationship shall be entered into between the parties by the written (e-mail) order submitted in time in response to the offer and its confirmation by e-mail by the Service Provider, with the proviso, however, that the booking shall be considered final only if the fee is paid by the party contracting with the Service Provider by one of the following payment methods and in time:
− in case of payment by bank card, on the Service Provider’s website using the Simple Pay application.
− by bank transfer to the bank account number provided by the Service Provider in both cases, in such a way that the transaction must be completed by the second working day prior to the use of the services.
In the event of later fulfilment, the Service Provider reserves the right to cancel the booking.
4.1.4 The contract shall be deemed to be a written contract for a fixed term and, unless otherwise agreed, shall be governed by the provisions of these GTC.
4.2.1 By selecting the online booking option on the Service Provider’s website, you can make an instant online booking and pay the service fee. The room type and price most suitable for the Guest can be selected by clicking on the ‘Select’ button. Afterwards, the Guest can choose from the additional services available for the room. Click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed, and on the next page the booking details will be displayed in summary. On this page, you will be asked to enter the personal details required to finalize the booking and to provide the Service Provider with any additional information about the booking in a comment.
4.2.2 To initiate online payment, you can choose to pay by bank card, credit card or ‘SZÉP card’.
Then, by clicking on the ‘Finalize booking’ button, the page will navigate to the page of the chosen payment service provider, where you can pay using the encrypted transaction currently considered the most secure by online payment service providers.
The payment service provider will issue an authorization number for the successful transaction (which you should record for future reference) and will also send you an email notification. In the case of an unsuccessful transaction, an error message will be sent with the reason for the error.
4.2.3 In the event of a successful transaction, the Service Provider will confirm the booking to the contracting party by e-mail.
4.2.4 The contract between the Guest and the Service Provider shall be entered into upon confirmation of the booking made on the Service Provider’s website, provided, however, that the booking shall be considered final only if the Guest’s card has been charged with the service fee by the Service Provider.
4.3.1 Guest may also book online through online booking sites (at the time of the entry into force of these GTC: booking.com, szallas.hu) by searching for Normafa Hotel and providing the required data. These websites will immediately confirm all bookings to the Guests, which the Service Provider is obliged to accept.
4.3.2 In the case of bookings made on online booking sites, Guests are obliged to comply with the general terms and conditions applicable to these websites, and Guests will contact the Service Provider directly through the customer service of the online booking site only in case of special requests, cancellations, date changes.
4.3.3 In the case of bookings made on online booking sites, Guests shall not be obliged to pay the price of the accommodation service before using the service, but only upon arrival at the Hotel. When making the booking, Guests must provide their bank card details on the online booking page, but the Service Provider will only charge the card at the time of the commencement of the service (or in other cases as specified in these GTC).
4.3.4 The contract between the Guest and the Service Provider in case of a booking made on online booking sites shall be entered into upon confirmation of the booking, however, the booking shall be considered final only if the Guest’ bank card is charged with the service fee by the Service Provider.
4.3.5 In this case, too, the contract shall be deemed to be a written contract of fixed term, which, unless otherwise agreed, shall be governed by the provisions of these GTC.
4.4.1 If desired, it is also possible for the party contracting with the Service Provider to make the booking in person at the Service Provider. In this case, the contracting party shall make the booking by signing the paper booking form at the Service Provider’s head office, which shall be confirmed by the Service Provider’s representative.
4.4.2 The contract between the Service Provider and the party contracting with it shall be entered into upon written confirmation of the booking form, which shall also be deemed to be a written contract of fixed term and, unless otherwise agreed, shall be governed by the provisions of these GTC.
4.5.1 If the Guest permanently leaves the accommodation before the end of the booked period, he/she will not be entitled to a refund, the Service Provider will be entitled to the full price of the service. Furthermore, the Service Provider shall be entitled to resell the vacated room.
4.5.2 If the party contracting with the Service Provider wishes to extend the booked period, the prior consent of the Service Provider is required, in which case the Service Provider may also stipulate the reimbursement of the full price of the services already performed as a condition.
Upon the entry into of the contract by any means, the party contracting with the Service Provider accepts these GTC and the Service Provider’s Privacy Policy. In the case of a Group event, the Organizer undertakes to ensure that all its Guests are familiarized with the Service Provider’s Privacy Policy in a verifiable manner prior to using the Services.
4.7.1 The contract may be amended or supplemented for any reason, including any deviation from the provisions of these GTC, by mutual agreement of the parties in writing.
4.7.2 In the case of a Group event, if there is a change in the number of participants, a change in the number of participants not exceeding +/- 10% of the original number of participants shall not require a separate amendment to the contract, and the Service Provider shall indicate the items and prices amended as a result in the certificate of completion.
The Service Provider only accepts any cancellation or modification requests in writing.
5.4.1 Group events may be cancelled free of charge up to 30 days prior to the date of the event (or the starting date in the case of multi-day events).
5.4.2 In the event of cancellation between the 29th and 15th day prior to the date of the Group event (the starting date of the event in the case of multi-day events), the Organizer shall be liable to pay a contractual penalty of 30% of the total price of the service.
5.4.3 In the event of cancellation between 14th and 8th day prior to the date of the Group event (the starting date of the event in the case of multi- day events), the Organizer shall be liable to pay a contractual penalty equal to 50% of the total price of the service.
5.4.4 In the event of cancellation between 7th and 3rd day prior to the date of the Group event (the starting date of the event in the case of multi- day events), the Organizer shall be liable to pay a contractual penalty equal to 90% of the total price of the service.
5.4.5 In the event of cancellation within 2 days of the date of the Group event (the starting date of the event in the case of multi-day events), the Organizer shall be liable to pay a contractual penalty equal to 100% of the total price of the service.
5.4.6 In the case of a change to the services included in a Group event, if it concerns a reduction in the number of participants or services, Clauses 5.3.2 to 5.3.5 shall apply, with the proviso that the calculation of the contractual penalty shall be based on the total fee payable for the services or number of participants cancelled. If the reduction in the number of participants does not exceed 10% of the total number of persons, such a change may be notified free of penalty up to the 4th day before the date of the Group event (the starting date in the case of multi-day events).
5.4.7 Subject to the Service Provider’s available capacity, it is possible to increase the number of participants or order additional services at any time prior to the date of the Group event, in which case the contractual penalty clauses shall not apply.
5.4.8 If the Organizer does not cancel the Group event and the Guests do not arrive on the date of the Group Event (the starting date in the case of multi-day events) (‘no-show’ status), the fee already paid by the Organizer will not be refunded, and the Service Provider may keep the full amount of the Group event fee already paid. If the Organizer has not paid the fee or has not paid the fee in full by the date of the Group Event, the Service Provider shall be entitled to deduct 100% of the unpaid fee from the bank card of the Organizer based on the bank card details provided by the Organizer, and in case of payment by any other means, to invoice the Organizer for 100% of the unpaid fee.
6.1 The Service Provider will publish the current room rates on its website and the online booking page, and they will also be posted in the hotel room or at the hotel reception.
The prices of other services, if not included in the room rate, will be posted in the relevant hotel area (restaurant, wellness, sports facilities).
6.2 The Service Provider shall be free to change its advertised prices without prior notice, provided that the price change does not affect contracts already concluded, unless the price change is due to changes in tax legislation referred to in Clause 6.3 below.
6.3 When communicating the prices, the Service Provider shall indicate the rate of taxes (VAT, tourist tax (IFA)) applicable at the time of communicating the prices, as defined in the Hungarian legislation in force, and whether these taxes are included in the price. The rate and charging of taxes shall be governed by the Hungarian legislation in force at the time. The Service Provider shall be entitled to pass on to the contracting party the additional costs resulting from changes in the legislation on taxation, subject to prior notification.
6.4 The Service Provider will charge a 10% (ten percent) service charge on the gross prices of á la carte lunch and dinner in the restaurant and bar.
6.5 The Service Provider will publish any discounts, promotions and other offers on its website and the online booking page.
6.6 The service charges for Group events will not be published and will be determined individually in each case in the written offer and order. In the case of a Group event, a 10% (ten percent) service charge will be levied for catering services.
7.1. In case of booking by e-mail, the accommodation service can be paid for in the ways specified in clause 4.1.3, in case of booking on the Service Provider’s own website in the way specified in clause 4.2.2, in case of booking in person in the way agreed by the parties, in case of booking through an online booking site in the way specified in clause 4.3.3. If other services are used by the Guest, they shall be paid for by the Guest or the Organizer on the spot, at the time of their use, but at the latest on departure from the Hotel.
7.2 In the case of Group events, the Organizer shall pay the Service Provider the full price for the services as set out in the contract in advance, in accordance with the instalments and schedule agreed between the parties. Unless otherwise agreed, the Organizer shall pay the price in one amount. By individual agreement, the parties may also agree on partial payment in arrears and/or payment in several instalments.
7.3 The parties contracting with the Service Provider acknowledge that if the Guests use certain services not included in the room price during their stay at the Hotel by implication, they shall be obliged to pay the price for such services. The Organizer shall be responsible for the payment of any additional services used by the Guests.
7.4 The Service Provider shall be entitled to use third party service providers for the provision of certain services and to resell these services to the Guests or the Organizer. These services shall be considered as intermediated services. This shall include any services so indicated in the order and its confirmation or in the individual contract of the parties and on the invoice issued by the Service Provider.
7.5 In the case of a Group event, if the Service Provider orders technical, engineering or other services from third parties necessary for the provision of services ordered by the Organizer or expressly requested by the Organizer, it shall in all cases do so for the benefit of the Organizer and these services shall also be considered as intermediated services.
The provision of technical equipment, without complex services, where the equipment is not the Service Provider’s own equipment but that of its contractual partner, shall be considered as an intermediated service and shall be invoiced as such. Subcontracted complex contractor work, i.e., audiovisual design and implementation of an event, shall be invoiced as an audiovisual service.
7.6 In the case of using any service, the Service Provider will consider 50% of the agreed and prepaid total price as earnest money.
In caseof failure of performance
if the failure of performance is the sole responsibility of the Service Provider, the earnest money received shall be refunded.
If, at the time of the failure, more than 50% of the price of the services has already been paid, the excess of 50% shall be returned to the contracting party, regardless of the cause of the failure.
7.7 Unless otherwise provided in the individual contract and in these GTC, the price of the services may be paid
Any costs incurred by using any payment method shall be borne by the party contracting with the Service Provider.
7.8 The Service Provider shall issue the invoice in Hungarian forint or in euro currency for the services provided, based on the certificate of completion signed by the party contracting with the Service Provider. The invoice shall be issued without any deductions or set offs. Unless otherwise agreed, the invoice shall be issued by the Service Provider to the name of the contracting party in electronic form, sent to the e-mail address provided by the Guest or Organizer on the registration form.
After performance and after the issue of the final invoice, the Service Provider shall not be obliged to change the paying party and issue a new invoice.
7.9 In the case of payment in currencies other than HUF, the exchange rate for room rates shall be the exchange rate of the National Bank of Hungary on the day of arrival. The exchange rate for F&B prices (e.g. food, beverages, room rental, equipment rental) may be different by separate agreement between the parties.
7.10. Complaints regarding prepayment by bank card must be made immediately after the service has been used. The Service Provider shall take a record of the complaint and, after investigating the matter, shall decide on the compensation, including the method and amount thereof.
7.11 In the event of late payment, the Service Provider shall be entitled to claim interest on late payment in accordance with Article 6:155 of the Civil Code.
7.12 If payment is not made in advance, the Service Provider shall be entitled to demand from the contracting party an appropriate amount of security as specified in the individual contract (e.g., bank or credit card guarantee, i.e., bank or credit card advance payment, earnest money other than the amount specified in these GTC, insurance, deposit, security, guarantee, etc.). The amount and payment deadline of which will depend on the respective order (e.g., the number of groups and/or the nature and volume of the event) and will be specified in the individual contract.
7.13 Post-charging: the Service Provider reserves the right to charge the debit or credit card of the Guest or the Organizer after the use of the Service, for amounts not known at the time of check-out (e.g. room damages).
8.1 Guests may check in at the time indicated by the Service Provider on the day of arrival and check out at the time indicated on the day of departure. The exact times are specified in the House Rules published on the Service Provider’s website.
8.2 If the Guest wishes to occupy the room on the day of arrival before the Check in time as stated in the House Rules, the previous night, i.e., an additional day’s room rate will be charged.
8.3 If, on the day of check-out, the Guest leaves
− after the check-out time specified in the House Rules, but before 14:00, the Service Provider will pay 50% of the additional one night’s room rate as a surcharge.
− after 14:00 hours, the Service Provider will charge 100% of the additional one night’s room rate of one extra night’s stay as a surcharge.
8.4 The Service Provider shall provide a package room for the placement of packages. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the placement in case of unforeseen technical obstacles.
8.5.1 In the case of Group events, Guests shall not be considered as contracting parties (unless the Organizer is a natural person and a Guest), therefore the Organizer shall be solely responsible for the Guests who use the services ordered by the Organizer, but this shall not exempt the Guests from the obligation to comply with the House Rules.
8.5.2 During Group events, the Organizer and its Guests may connect their own high-powered electrical equipment (including, but not limited to, lighting and sound equipment, projectors) to the Service Provider’s network only with the prior written consent of the Service Provider. The cost of repairing any malfunction or damage resulting from the use of such equipment shall be borne by the Organizer.
8.5.3 The Service Provider shall have the exclusive right to rent audiovisual equipment and provide complex AV services at its conference facilities, either with its own equipment or through a contracted partner. The Organizer may only use external AV equipment and services if the Service Provider has given its prior written consent.
8.5.4 The Supplier reserves the exclusive right to serve all food and beverages at events. The Organizer or the Guests shall not bring any food or drink onto the hotel premises without the prior written consent of the Service Provider in accordance with the House Rules.
8.5.5 In the case of buffet-style meals, the Service Provider shall keep the food on the buffet table for a maximum of 3 hours to ensure that it remains of sufficient quality and that the Service Provider complies with the relevant HACCP requirements.
8.5.6 The prior written permission of the Service Provider is required for the introduction and display of decorative materials or other objects. Decorative material must comply in every detail with fire safety regulations.
8.5.7 The use of nails, screws or glue to attach objects to the walls or ceilings of event rooms or other hotel areas is prohibited. The Organizer shall be liable for any damage caused. The Organizer must consult with the Service Provider prior to any planned decoration of the hotel premises to ensure compliance with fire and safety regulations.
8.5.8 The Organizer shall ensure that all items brought into the event are removed immediately upon completion of the vent, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. If the Organizer fails to comply with this obligation immediately, the Service Provider reserves the right to arrange for the removal and storage of the items left behind at the Organizer’s cost, risk and expense.
8.5.9 The prior written consent of the Service Provider and, in the case of non-mass recording, of the persons concerned in the recording is required for the publication of any advertisement, announcement, invitation to an introductory talk or sales event or similar publication mentioning the Service Provider or the hotel by name, including photos or videos, in any publicly accessible medium, whether in print or online, in connection with the event. If the publication takes place without such permission and this is detrimental to the essential interests of the Service Provider and/or the person concerned in the recording, the Service Provider shall be entitled to cancel the event. In such a case, the Organizer shall bear the costs and the burden of any possible damages.
8.5.10 If the Organizer invites photographers or filmmakers to record the event, the Organizer shall notify the Service Provider in writing at least 5 working days in advance and shall comply with the Service Provider’s special terms and conditions and data protection rules.
9.1 The Service Provider’s right of ordinary termination shall be excluded.
9.2 The Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate the contract in writing with immediate effect, refuse to provide further services and claim damages in the event of serious breach of contract by the party contracting with the Service Provider. Such serious breach of contract shall include, but not be limited to:
9.3 The Service Provider shall have the right to withdraw from the contract for good cause, in particular, but not limited to, if:
The Service Provider has reasonable grounds to believe that the event may jeopardize the smooth operation of the hotel, its Safety or its reputation in the eyes of the public.
9.4 If the Service Provider wishes to exercise its right of withdrawal, it shall immediately notify the party contracting with the Service Provider in writing and shall repay the advance payment, other security, etc. received to the party contracting with the Service Provider within 15 (fifteen) calendar days but shall have no further obligation to pay compensation or indemnification.
10.1 In the event of overbooking or temporary operational problems, the Service Provider will immediately arrange accommodation for Guests. To this end, Guests shall be entitled to use another hotel of the same or higher category, but at the agreed price and for the agreed period of time or until the impediment is removed (booking out), in which case the service shall be provided through an intermediary. Any additional costs resulting from the use of alternative accommodation shall be borne by the Service Provider.
10.2 The party contracting with the Service Provider shall not be obliged to accept the offered substitute accommodation and may withdraw from the booking without any further legal consequences. However, if the party contracting with the Service Provider has accepted the substitute accommodation, he/she may not subsequently claim compensation from the Service Provider.
10.3 In this case, the Service Provider shall provide the Guests with a free telephone call and a shuttle service to and from the accommodation to inform them of the change of accommodation, but the party contracting with the Service Provider shall still be obliged to pay the Service Provider the price specified in the contract.
11.1 If a Guest falls ill during his/her stay at the Hotel and is unable to provide adequate medical care for himself/herself, the Service Provider will offer medical assistance, the cost of which is, however, shall be borne by the Guest.
11.2 In the event of s Guest’s illness and/or death in the Hotel, the Service Provider may claim appropriate compensation from the party contracting with the Service Provider or his/her relatives, heirs or bill payers for any medical and procedural costs, the value of services used prior to the death, and any damage to equipment and furnishings caused by the illness/death.
11.3 In the event of an extension of the stay due to illness, including a stay due to official quarantine, the party contracting with the Service Provider shall pay the Service Provider the service charge for the extension of the reservation.
12.1 Guests shall be entitled to the intended use of the room ordered and the facilities of the accommodation, which are included in the normal scope of services and are not subject to special terms and conditions.
12.2 Complaints Handling: Guest shall have the right to make complaints about the provision of services or the handling of personal data during their stay at the Hotel, either in writing or by making a verbal complaint that is recorded. Guest’s right to lodge a consumer complaint ceases after check-out from the Hotel. The Service Provider shall be obliged to investigate the Guests’ written consumer complaint in accordance with the applicable consumer protection regulations, to provide a written reply and to take the necessary measures to deal with complaints. Information on the handling of complaints regarding the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy Notice.
12.3 The party contracting with the Service Provider shall pay the consideration for the services ordered in the contract in the manner and within the time specified in the contract. If the services already used are not paid for, including in the event of insufficient funds being available on the card used for payment, Clause 13.1 shall apply, and the Service Provider shall be entitled to enforce its claim against the party contracting with the Service Provider by any means permitted by the applicable legislation.
12.4 Guests shall ensure that any children under 14 years of age belonging to them are only staying in the hotel under the supervision of an adult. The party contracting with the Service Provider acknowledges that the Hotel is not designed to be child- friendly at present.
12.5 Guests shall fully comply with the House Rules.
12.6 Guests must not use drones, Quadro copters or make recordings with them in the entire Hotel premises or within 150 meters of the Hotel, to protect the privacy of other Guests. In the event of a breach of the prohibition in this Clause, Guests shall be fully liable for any damage caused, including any fines, penalties and compensation.
12.7 The party contracting with the Service Provider shall be liable for all damages and disadvantages suffered by the Service Provider or third parties due to the fault of Guests, their companion or other persons under their responsibility. This liability shall also apply if the injured party is entitled to claim compensation for his/her damage directly from the Service Provider.
12.8 In the case of Group events, the Organizer shall be responsible for the enforcement of the House Rules with the Guests during the use of the services and shall be liable for any damage caused by Guests, their staff, assistants, participants of the event or by the Organizer himself/herself during the use of the services, in the building where the event is held or in the furnishings and equipment of the building. The Organizer shall also be responsible for the careful and proper use and proper return of the equipment used by it or its Guests and shall indemnify the Service Provider against any claims by third parties arising from the handover of such equipment.
12.9 In the event of Group events, the Organizer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of exhibits or other personal items brought into the Hotel in all event rooms and event locations. The Service Provider shall not be liable for their loss, damage or destruction, unless the damage is due to the intentional conduct or gross negligence of the Service Provider’s employees.
13.1 If Guests fails to meet their obligation to pay the fees for the services used or for the services ordered in the contract but not used, the Service Provider shall be entitled to a pledge on Guests’ personal property which they have brought with them to the Hotel to secure its claims.
13.2 The Service Provider shall:
13.3 The Service Provider’s liability for damages
14.1 The Organizer or the Guest shall immediately inform the Service Provider if it becomes aware of any extraordinary event (e.g., cyber- attack, personal data breach, power failure, unauthorized access) affecting the processing of personal data during the ordering or use of the services. The Service Provider shall act in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with its Privacy Policy, which is available on the Service Provider’s website.
14.2 The Organizer and the Guest shall only be entitled to use the name or logo of the Service Provider or the Hotel temporarily in connection with the ordered service with the express prior written consent of the Service Provider.
15.1 Neither Party shall be liable for any failure to perform or for any incomplete or delayed performance of its obligations under this Agreement due to Force Majeure. Any event affecting the performance of the contract which is beyond the control of the Parties shall be considered force majeure for the purposes of this Contract.
15.2 For the purposes of Clauses 7.6 and 9.3.a.) of these GTC, an external, unavoidable(force majeure) cause shall be deemed to be but not exclusively, e.g., natural disaster, fire, explosion, strike, interruption of the Internet system etc., in respect of which the Parties shall bear their own costs and damages.
16.1 In matters not regulated in these GTC, the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code (currently Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, hereinafter and in the above references: the Civil Code) and other applicable Hungarian legislation in force shall apply.
16.2 Dispute Resolution: the parties shall try to settle any disputes primarily out of court. If this proves unsuccessful, for any dispute arising from or in connection with the contractual relationship of the Parties, so especially with its breach, termination, validity or interpretation, the parties exclude the state court procedure and agree to submit the matter to the exclusive and final decision of the Permanent Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Commercial Arbitration Court Budapest). The Arbitration Court proceeds in accordance with its own Rules of Proceedings (supplemented with the provisions of the Sub-Rules of Expedited Proceedings). The number of arbitrators shall be 3 (three) and the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be Hungarian. The parties exclude the possibility of the retrial of the proceedings as regulated in Section IX of Act no. LX of 2017 on Arbitration.
16.3 If any provision of these GTC is found to be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
16.4 The Service Provider excludes the application of Article 6:63 (5) of the Civil Code, therefore the previous business relationship, custom, practice and business practices of the Service Provider with the party contracting with the Service Provider shall not become part of the contract.
16.5 By concluding the contract, the party contracting with the Service Provider confirms that it has read and understood the provisions of these GTC and the Privacy Policy when accepting the offer and that it has individually negotiated with the Hotel all the data and terms and conditions it deems necessary.
16.6 By entering the contract, the Parties declare that pursuant to Article 6:78 (2) of the Civil Code, these GTC do not contain any terms and conditions that deviate materially from the usual contractual practice and the legal provisions applicable to the contract or from any terms and conditions of any contract previously concluded between the Parties. Any deviating terms have been set out in the individual contract and expressly accepted.
Eötvös Road 52-54 • 1121 Budapest. Hungary
We warmly welcome all guests above the age of 14
© 2024, Normafa Hotel
A Docler Holding company
Eötvös Road 52-54
1121 Budapest. Hungary.
We warmly welcome all guests above the age of 14