Fél Napos Kundalini Jegy- Délután 1+1

14:30 - 21:00


29,900 Ft

1 fő + 1 fő kedvezmény

Join the Kundalini yoga session in the afternoon and experience the opportunity of the retreat to leave the stress behind.

A Teljes Program

On the arrival and the morning of the first day, you can gain insight into the basics of the retreat, get to know the instructors and familiarize yourself with the fundamental practices that the afternoon and the rest of the day’s yoga, mantra and meditation workshops will be built on.

Description comes here.

Join the Kundalini yoga session in the afternoon and experience the opportunity of the retreat to leave the stress behind.

Örömmel köszöntünk a hírlevelünkre való feliratkozás kapujában!

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