This new deep theta state meditation is led by Yakob Sádi, who intertwines sound bowl therapy and Zen teachings to help us understand the deeper connections of the soul in our daily lives.
This new deep theta state meditation is led by Yakob Sádi, who intertwines sound bowl therapy and Zen teachings to help us understand the deeper connections of the soul in our daily lives.
This new deep theta state meditation is led by Yakob Sádi, who intertwines sound bowl therapy and Zen teachings to help us understand the deeper connections of the soul in our daily lives.
© 2025, Normafa Hotel
A Docler Holding társaság
Eötvös út 52-54
1121 Budapest. Hungary.
Szállodánk 14 éves kor felett várja vendégeit szeretettel
© 2025, Normafa Hotel
A Docler Holding társaság
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